In recent years, focus stacking has gained much popularity among amateur and professional photographers. What Is the Best Focus Stacking Software? Computer: A computer is necessary to store your digital photos, and process the stacks with your preferred software.Also, it cuts down on camera shake from tripping the shutter by hand. Remote shutter release: This isn’t a “must have,” but it comes in handy.Tripod: A sturdy tripod is necessary, especially for extreme close-ups.You must see the area of your subject that is in focus and move it as needed.
You might get by with other types of cameras, but you need a manual mode and a means to view the subject either through the lens or on a live screen. DSLR camera: A good DSLR is a critical necessity.Here is my “short list.” Though there are a few other gadgets that make it a little more convenient, they’re not necessary. To stack photos, you will need a few items. What Equipment Do You Need to Stack Photos? There are some fine tutorials on YouTube.
There are ways to edit out movement in the output image of some stacked photos, and most good software programs have excellent alignment capabilities.

An insignificant movement is fine with outdoor scenes or landscapes, but the less movement the better.

Use Software: Focus stacking doesn’t actually increase the depth of field for the lens, but merely the apparent depth of field in the output image.

It’s always best to keep the f-stops as close to the sweet spot as possible. This is true to a point, but beyond that point the image will suffer because of “diffraction,” or light distortion. Many people believe that by increasing their f-stop numbers, closing down the aperture opening of the lens to f22 or more, they can get a wider depth of field and more of the scene in focus. For my Nikon lenses, it is usually between f8 and f11.